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Ariel Zwang Featured in NY Post Letter to Editor

June 1, 2015

I pro­foundly dis­agree with McCaughey’s as­ser­tion that Gov. Cuomo’s cam­pus sexual assault pol­icy “crim­i­nal­izes nor­mal sex­ual in­ter­ac­tions.” Forc­ing a stu­dent to en­gage in un­wanted sex­ual ac­tiv­ity is not “nor­mal.” Turn­ing a blind eye to stu­dents who re­port sex­ual as­sault, as too many cam­puses his­tor­i­cally have done, only com­pounds the prob­lem.

At Safe Hori­zon, we work with thou­sands of vic­tims of sex­ual as­sault ev­ery year. So­ci­ety must take ev­ery avail­able step to pre­vent these crimes from ever tak­ing place and, where needed, of­fer sup­port and ser­vices to those harmed by sex­ual as­sault.

We sup­port Cuomo’s com­mon­sense pro­posal to help pro­tect scores of col­lege stu­dents through­out the state — stu­dents who ev­ery­one agrees de­serve ev­ery ounce of pro­tec­tion and safety.

Ariel Zwang CEO, Safe Hori­zon

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