By Jerry Barmash
April 24, 2020
With families stuck at home during the pandemic, the anxiety level is high for many as we all navigate these uncharted waters.
But for women in an abusive relationship, it can be a scary situation.
I spoke to Kimberlina Kavern, Senior Director of the Crime Victim Assistance Program with Safe Horizon.
“When two people are self-isolating between in an abusive situation, where access to resources or availability of leaving an abusive situation are basically non-existent, it’s a potentially dangerous time,” Kavern said.
She said it’s important survivors know this is support, even during the coronavirus, as their staff is available to help, mostly remotely.
“When you leave an abusive relationship that can be the most dangerous time,” she said.
However, a lack of privacy with couples sheltering together can pose a challenge for Kavern’s staff.
“We have a safe chat feature on our website,” Kavern said. “We’re thinking of ways for you to access your support systems and access us in a way that is still safe recognizing that you’re in the same space as your abusive partner.”