By Dr. Amanda Stylianou
June 6, 2016
Domestic violence takes an enormous toll on victims and their families. Experiences of isolation and financial dependence leave many victims seeking to separate from an abusive partner with few of the financial and social resources required to find a new place to live. For victims lacking safe housing options, domestic violence emergency shelters offer a safe refuge. In a typical day, nearly 24,000 victims and their children are receiving emergency shelter services in the United States. (National Network to End Domestic Violence (2014)
Emergency domestic violence shelters are considered essential in protecting victims from abuse and linking victims facing housing instability to longer term solutions. They offer unique benefits compared with traditional shelters for homeless individuals and families, including confidential locations and increased security protocols, as well as supportive services geared toward victims, such as safety planning, support groups, and advocacy.
Research suggests that emergency domestic violence shelters are a critical resource for victims.
- Victims report feeling safe in shelters and rate shelters as the most effective service for coping with abuse and ending the violence. (Few, 2005; Tutty et al., 1999)
- Domestic violence shelter use has been found to be significantly associated with the termination of an abusive relationship. (Panchanadeswaran & McCloskey, 2007)
- Length of shelter stay has been associated with reductions in depression as well as increases in hopefulness, self-esteem, and psychological independence from an abusive partner. (Lyon, et al., 2008; Orava, McLeod, & Sharpe, 1996)
- Shelter services increase victims’ self-efficacy and coping skills and lead to a perceived increase in decision-making abilities. (Bennett et al., 2004)
- In their study of 3, 410 victim residing in domestic violence shelters, Lyon et al., (2008) reported that 93% of residents agreed that their shelter experience had positively influenced their belief that they could achieve their goals, 92% felt more hopeful about their future, 91% knew more about their options, and 85% knew more about community resources.
At Safe Horizon we are the city’s largest provider of domestic violence emergency shelter programs. In 2015 we provided shelter services to 914 victims and their 1, 285 children throughout the city’s five boroughs. Learn more about our domestic violence shelters.