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10 Signs Your Friend Is In An Abusive Relationship And Might Need Your Help

Safe Horizon quoted in “Little Things” in January 2018. Updated 2024. 

The National Coalition Against Domestic Violence estimates that 20 people are abused by a domestic partner every minute in the United States. Just because domestic violence is prevalent doesn’t mean that it’s OK.

A Safe Horizon expert, spoke with the publication Little Things in 2018 about some of the signs that might suggest someone you know is in an abusive relationship.

1. Their Partner Doesn’t Like It When She Spends Time with You
2. They Started Dressing Drastically Different
3. They Started Abruptly Canceling Plans
4. They’re Noticeably Unhappy More Often
5. You’re Uncomfortable with Their Partner
6. They Has Frequent Cuts or Bruises
7. Their Partner Often Uses Rough Language with Them
8. They Put Their Partner Needs Before Their Own
9. Their Partner Has a History of This Kind of Behavior
10. They’re Clearly Afraid to Admit There’s a Problem

If you or anyone you know would like to speak to someone regarding rape or sexual assault, call our 24-hour anonymous hotline at 212-227-3000.

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