Losing his mother at a young age deeply affected Abdul. With no family to help him, he became homeless at 17. He stayed in men’s shelters for a short time and eventually found a community that would look out for each other along the A/C/E subway line.
Through word-of-mouth, Abdul learned about Streetwork Project. He was offered compassion and support and connected to the Overnight Shelter. Abdul would ride on the A train from Inwood to Mott Avenue and return to the Overnight to rest. Streetwork provided essentials like food and metro cards while helping him secure an apartment and a job.
After “graduating” or aging out of the program, Abdul came full circle by applying to work at Streetwork, the place that had once been his safety net. Each day, Abdul makes a commitment to other homeless young people through his work. For Abdul, home is not just a physical space but a feeling of safety and comfort, something that Streetwork helped him find both emotionally and physically.